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Re: screaming temporaria

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:49 am
by Pierre-Yves Vaucher
I have heard some Salamandra corsica (only these) screaming a little when you catch them.
I have touched (manipulate?) a lot of Salamandra sp & ssp, noone never cry, only corsican specimens did a little sort of vocalisation with mouth close.

Re: screaming temporaria

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:31 pm
by Michal Szkudlarek
I recommend to read WHEN FROGS SCREAM! A REVIEW OF ANURAN DEFENSIVE VOCALIZATIONS L. F. TOLEDO&C. F. B.HADDAD Berislaw, seems it should be regarded according to this work. Personally I observed also defensive call at adult P. fuscus that I rescued from street drainage. This specimen was vocalizing with mouth closed when touching him. It is thought that I. alpestris can release air from lungs with loud whistle using it to scare attacker. Below is the part of this opus introduction- ... kensis.pdf

Michael Franzen and Frank Glaw wrote:Distress calls are known from various salamander families (e.g. MYERS 1951, NEILL 1952, BRODIE 1977). Among Old World Salamandridae, only Triturus and Pleurodeles are known to emit sounds according to BRODIE (1977). However, in a summary of the acoustic emissions of Salamandra salamandra, MENGES (1951) reported on a reliable observation by L. MULLER that Salamandra salamandra Corsica (=Salamandra Corsica) regularly produces vocalizations if specimens are stressed. FELDMANN(1968) confirms the occurrence of distress calls in Central European Salamandra salamandra terrestris. Vocalizations in the salamandrid Mertensiella luschani finikensis (Fig. 1) were first mentioned by FRANZEN (1987) and later confirmed by STEINFARTZ & MUTZ (1999). In the present paper we analyze the distress calls of this taxon for the first time.

Have anyone paper about vocalizing among european newts?
MichaƂ Szkudlarek

Re: screaming temporaria

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:54 pm
by Pierre-Yves Vaucher
Interesting, thanks Michal ;)