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Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:41 pm
by Jeroen Speybroeck
Rok Grzelj wrote:When did you last have rain?

Must have been somewhere in the spring of 1963...

Little drizzle now and then, but -with a few brief exceptions- "real rain" is lacking since... the beginning of March! Change is supposed to be coming within the next week. I estimate that about 80% or more of the Salamandra larvae in 'my' woods have perished. Hard times for amphibs...

Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:24 pm
by Kristian Munkholm
Jeroen Speybroeck wrote:Not my best pics, because I tend to get (even more) lazy in my own country...

I know where you're coming from ;)

I've been meaning to post a short summation of a very nice Danish spring season but my excuse (laziness again, I know) is that I simply haven't got the pictures to back it up. Several local species I don't even have voucher pics for this year :?

Jeroen Speybroeck wrote:
Rok Grzelj wrote:When did you last have rain?

Must have been somewhere in the spring of 1963...

Little drizzle now and then, but -with a few brief exceptions- "real rain" is lacking since... the beginning of March! Change is supposed to be coming within the next week. I estimate that about 80% or more of the Salamandra larvae in 'my' woods have perished. Hard times for amphibs...

Again, I know what you mean. We haven't seen many drops for a couple of months either. Thankfully, up here temps are just a couple of degrees cooler and breeding a couple of weeks later so it's not really a problem yet - and it looks like the rain is finally coming now, just in time :)

... Oh and btw, looks like a nice trip, thanks for the report and pics :)

Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:03 pm
by Ilian Velikov
Not my best pics, because I tend to get (even more) lazy in my own country...

I don't know what you are talking about! Your photos are great! I love all the berus shots and the Alytes.

Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:11 pm
by Bobby Bok
Yep, definitely should have joined you guys...

Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:51 pm
by Jeroen Speybroeck
Well, thanks, people!

Just for the record, there's also Triturus cristatus there, but we didn't have a suitable net and didn't bother that much. That means you can find 18 species in that area = the utmost best for Belgium. Other Belgian species are only Pelobates fuscus, Hyla arborea, Rana arvalis, Lacerta agilis and introduced Pelophylax ridibundus s.l., Lithobates catesbeianus and some terrapins.

Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:18 pm
by Gabriel Martínez
Hey Jeroen, did you use your magic radar again!? (I can´t believe the story of slaves, they can´t find everything always :lol: ) Congrats. It´s interesting the viper habitat and the berus shots.
Last friday I found in Madrid my first terrapin crossing the road, and it wasn´t a Mauremys or Trachemys. It was the endangered Emys orbicularis. I was really surprised! I was more happy than if I had found a lataste´s viper... it´s fun a terrapin crossing!

Emys copia.jpg
Emys copia.jpg (217.72 KiB) Viewed 4506 times


Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:16 pm
by Jeroen Speybroeck
Gabriel Martínez wrote:the story of slaves

Peter is actually my best slave - he found 7 of our 10 berus. By weirdest exception, I found the 3 others. Peter also found the 2 Coronella's and about all the Natrix. If you go searching with him, you just become lazy very soon, because why do so much effort if someone else finds so much more every time ;)

Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:17 pm
by Jürgen Gebhart
Gabriel Martínez wrote:(I can´t believe the story of slaves, they can´t find everything always :lol: ) Gabri

Gabri,did you forgot the Israel Trip so fast??? ;)
I can remember my slaves!!!! ;)

Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:19 pm
by Jeroen Speybroeck
Gabriel Martínez wrote:I was more happy than if I had found a lataste´s viper...

Although I think nearly no one on this forum will agree with you, I have to say that's a nice, colourful Emys !

Re: Spring 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 4:05 pm
by Gabriel Martínez
Jürgen Gebhart wrote:Gabri,did you forgot the Israel Trip so fast???

No, but Israel is another kind of place. In the heaven, where Platyceps, Daboia and Echis are common animals nothing is the same :lol:

Jürgen Gebhart wrote:I can remember my slaves!!!!

Yes, and I remember my slave condition like Budi. You use kids like slaves! Fu**ing bastard. Slaves had to fight against the lord to scanning the magic road at 13º and find Pseudocerastes ;)

Jeroen Speybroeck wrote:Although I think nearly no one on this forum will agree with you

For sure! Me neither, just a moment of ilusion and after some photos I released the "turtle". Nothing like vipers...

Jeroen Speybroeck wrote:I have to say that's a nice, colourful Emys !

Thanks. It´s my best photo of Emys! If I would find many Emys in each week I´m sure the photo would be worse!!