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Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:32 pm
by Jürgen Gebhart
It´s getting colder and colder every day, this morning at 7.00 h we had 5 Degrees.
When I left home at 9.30 h Temperature was 9 Degrees.
When I arrived at my best berus place at 10.30 h the temperature was 11 Degrees.
The weather was closer to rain than to sunshine and a cold wind was blowing.
A few Farmer were cutting grass around, also not the best thing to find snakes.
I walked about a half hour and decided to leave the area, because it was to cold.

Suddenly the wind stop and the sun came out.
I walked to another part of the area and found in 10 Minutes 3 Viperas, one normal and two black-browns!


Do you find it?




After pictured them, the sun disappeared. I walked one hour more but found nothing.

A left the place and drove to one of my best Coronella Places, Temperature 13 Degrees, less sun.
I found only 1 Natrix natrix and 1 Lacerta agilis.

I left that area to my best Natrix place, Temperature still 13 Degrees. I found only one adult and 4 of last year.


Two juvenils

There is a small area were also Berus occurs, I found in the past always females there, from one till three. But today not one of them was there.
I ask my self in the past, which Gangster make the ladies fat there, because I never saw a male.
But today I saw him the first time.


I also found 2 Lacerta agilis and 2 Zootoca vivipara (to fast to picture).



Not many herps for a trip like this, the herpseason is on the finish line.
Maybe 3 or 4 Weeks and it`s over.

Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:00 pm
by Jürgen Gebhart
Today I was back at the berus place. When I arrived the Temperature was 16 Degrees, cloudy, no sun, few raindrops from time to time.
After a while I found a nice black one.



After the shooting the sun came out and I found a few more.



In situ!!!



Female with nice markings




All in all I found six, two “normal” and four “Black”.
Two of the six were last year’s babies.

Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:12 am
by Ilias Strachinis
very nice findings!

Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:29 pm
by Peter Oefinger
Great Jürgen!
If you continue like that, you will still find Viperas at Christmas!


Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:02 am
by Jürgen Gebhart
Peter Oefinger wrote:If you continue like that, you will still find Viperas at Christmas!

It`s not up to me!!
This week should be very good to find more, but next week ... :cry:
and than I have to start the countdonwn again!

Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:29 pm
by Gabriel Martínez
Nice vipers Jurgen!! Your German trips seem more sucessful than my Madrid trips ;) Black berus are really nice!

Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:40 am
by Francesco Tri
Beautiful specimens! :shock:

Here we are still swimming in the sea :D

Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:29 am
by Jürgen Gebhart
Tuesday we had rain, but the Temperatures were not bad for October, during the day 14 Degrees and at night 7 Degrees.
I decided to visit de berus-place on Wednesday again. I left work at noon and arrived at 13 h.
It was sunny with a few clouds. Temperatures 18 Degrees, looks like a perfect Herp-Day.
But I found nothing!
No Natrix, No Berus, No Zootoca, No Pelophylax.
End is near!!!!

Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:28 am
by Daniel Bohle
Yes, I had the same experience. Numbers went down extrem fast over the last days, while the weather was still perfect.
Yesterday I could not find a lot of the animals that I still saw on mandy, sunbathing around their hibernaculum.
But there are still some out, lets see how long ...

Re: Maybe last trip around the house this year?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:25 pm
by Kristian Munkholm
... & up here in Denmark we had an overcast and damp but quite mild day today. I had a job interview in a suburb north of Copenhagen right on the edge of a forest with a healthy Natrix population so though I didn't have much time I couldn't helping racing by the best spot for a quick glance on the way home. In 10 minutes of searching I found one grass snake. I rarely bother to catch snakes, usually only taking in situ shots and letting them go unphotographed if conditions don't really allow for this. This time, however, I wanted to document what could be the last snake of the season, and since all that was visible was a little bit of its tail protruding from underneath a bed of wilted ferns I pretty much had to gently drag it out and try to pose it. When I got it out I discovered it was in the blue. I presume it will go into hibernation as soon as it has shed. Unfortunately I couldn't really get it to calm down as it just kept trying to escape from underneath my backpack - the only cover I had at hand as I didn't really want my work jacket that would require dry cleaning to get musked. Eventually as I just gave up and set about to release it of course it went dead... At least I got one semi decent shot though cleaning it first admittedly would have helped:




If the weather makes the endeavour realistic I hope to find the time for a quick jaunt for a couple of adders to close out the season some time next week. Otherwise we are indeed already back to the dreaded countdown up here :(