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Orchids and ammodytes

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 7:28 pm
by Rok Grzelj
Yesterday I made a short trip with my orchids apassionate wife to the extreme western part of Slovenia ..just on the border with Friul-NE Italy
We had just a cpl of hours to find the orchids and a nice "ruffoi" type ammodytes


Ophrys insectifera
Orchis simia
Serapias vomeracea

all pics by my orchid maniac wife :-)

Re: Orchids and ammodytes

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:47 pm
by Paul Lambourne
Great pics Rok, Love the "ruffoi" :D I have posted a few orchid pics from my recent trip.. hope your wife likes them.
IMG_3512 copy.jpg
Serapias SP

IMG_3577 copy.jpg

IMG_3658 copy.jpg

IMG_3656 copy.jpg

IMG_3518 copy.jpg

IMG_3761 copy.jpg


IMG_4199 copy.jpg



Kind regards


Re: Orchids and ammodytes

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:05 am
by Peter Oefinger
Jepp, orchids (and other flowers) are a good addition to herping: as long as you don't find herps you can shoot some flowers, same habitat like many reptiles. I like it!

Re: Orchids and ammodytes

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 8:01 am
by Rok Grzelj
Thank you Paul...sems that you also spent some time making pics of orchids...nice

I agree with you Peter...but this time the main reason were the orchids, but I couldnt resist and started looking for herps :D