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Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:40 pm
by Jürgen Gebhart
I was two times in Tessin in the past days. I started the first time on the second of June for a two Days trip. I had one good Information about a Location for Vipera aspis and two out of the book of Johan de Smedt, Valle Morrobia (for francisciredi) and Valle Maggia (for ex. atra), that was all. I started with looking for aspis in Valle Morrobia, but all I found was trees, bushes and villages, I found no place where I can say, yes this is maybe a basking place for a vipera. So I left this Valley and drove to Monte Cerni, but it was the same there. I made a short break at the river Ticino and pictured a few ugly Natrix tessellata.



Then I drove to Valle Maggia, I stopped behind the Village Maggia and hiked in the mountains. Pictured a few Podarcis muralis and a Lacerta bilineata.



But found no vipera.
And then it starts to rain!!! After six hours full of frustration I broke the trip up and drove back home!

A few days (or hours) later my enthusiasm came back. I get better Information’s of the Valle Morrobia and I still have the Information for a spot from the first trip that I don`t use. I started at the 9th of June at 4.30 a.m. from my home. The weather forecast on different websites was the same, cloudy, some sun, no rain. After 15 Minutes it starts to rain, it stops when I arrived at Bellinzona. Temperature was 18 Degrees. I decided to drove to Valle Morrobia, when I arrived at the location the rain starts again, Temperature was 13 Degrees. I checked the area and thought that it is worth to come back again. I left and drove to the Valle Onsernone. When I arrived the streets were wet and the Temperature was 12 Degrees.


What should I do? No reptile weather, so I was just walking around.
A lot of water came out of the mountains around and run down the rocks.

After about an half hour I could`t believe my eyes, I saw a nice vipera aspis beside of the trail!!



After a short shooting I left the Valley with rain and was going back to the Valle Morrobia. On the way to the Valley the rain stops, but when I arrived it starts to rain again there. I saw a few Podarcis muralis in rain-safe places, but not more and drove back home. I have to come back!!


Thank you Dominik for the Information, you made my Day!!!

Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:52 pm
by Guillaume Gomard

Well done for the asp viper! To me, the Dice snakes are not that ugly. Next time, we also want to see nice francisciredi ;)

Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:53 am
by Mario Schweiger
Now we can have a look to the uncles, aunts, grandpas and grandmas of the lake Alpnach Dice snakes :lol:
The ex-atra looks great!


Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:44 pm
by Jürgen Gebhart
Guillaume Gomard wrote:Hi,

Well done for the asp viper! To me, the Dice snakes are not that ugly. Next time, we also want to see nice francisciredi ;)

I compare now all Dice snakes with the one we found in Israel and the Result is all European dice snakes are ugly!

Natrix tessellata from Israel


I hope to find time the next days to get the francisciredi pics.

Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:03 pm
by Aleksandar Simovic
European dice snakes are ugly!

i dont agree :)





Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:06 pm
by Andre Schmid
Wow, "uniform" tessellata, very cool !

Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:29 am
by Paul Lambourne

Stunning viper portrait :D I love the Tessin area of Switzerland for herping. Cresciano, Chironico and Ozogna are all good areas for aspis.

Kind regards


Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:57 pm
by Francesco Tri
The Natrix tessellata is not bad, apart from the wild-eyed ....


Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:10 am
by Jürgen Gebhart
Aleks, the blacks are top! There is nothing better! Black rocks!!! ;)
The unicolor and the one with the big blotches are strange, looks very interessting, but not as beautiful as the one from Israel, but thats just what I think.

Re: Two Speed datings wtih the Tessin

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:11 am
by Peter Oefinger
Jürgen, you are right - the tessellata from Israel is a real beauty compared to the Europen ones!