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Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:18 am
by Daniel Bohle
...too bad for berus :-(
...but not too bad for coronella :-D

So I did a nice trip to some of my coronella places yesterday afternoon :D

Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:09 am
by Daniel Bohle
Well, also close to that one.
I flipped (so no picture) one under the same thing we found one 2007.

Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:21 pm
by Jürgen Gebhart
Daniel Bohle wrote:...too bad for berus :-(

Is this possible?????

How many Coronella`s do you found during that trip?

Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 2:36 pm
by Daniel Bohle
> Is this possible?????
Not in spring - compared to coronella, but in summer - compared to coronalla :D

> How many Coronella`s do you found during that trip?
18 gravid females in around 4 hours.

Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 9:31 am
by Andre Schmid
Daniel Bohle wrote:18 gravid females in around 4 hours.


Really succesfull ! ;)

Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:05 pm
by Jürgen Gebhart
Hmm, not bad!

I need just 4 or 5 years to find that number in my area! :)


Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:17 pm
by Bert Vandebosch
18 adult Coronellas in 4 hours :shock:
That must be a record, they should put you in the guinness book.

Weather in Belgium seemed "bad" enough too lately to go out for Coronella. So I went for a search on saturday. I had to drive for an hour to reach the search site, to find that the sun was shining there the whole morning :( and there was a strong wind. I tried anyway and luckily by the time I almost wanted to give up, clouds came in and I found also a gravid female. Just 5 meters away from where I parked the car :) , the same animal that I found a few weeks ago at the same spot. Next time I hope to see some juveniles there. I think they will be early this year because of the extremely warm and dry spring in western europe.


After that I checked out another site on the way home. And just before it started to rain heavily, I found a male under a metal sheet.



Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:10 am
by Daniel Bohle
Really bad weather since thursday, very frustrating so I simply took my raincoat, my bycicle and took the next train to coronella county.
Today there was 4.8mm of rain and 0,2 hours of "sunshine" - so beside the fact that I really get wet while searching I was quite successfull! Great weather ... can´t wait for the next rain :-D
This was definitely worth to have a 1.5 hour drive back ... complete wet!

Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:43 am
by Bobby Bok
Great variaty!

Re: Bad weather ...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:58 pm
by Daniel Bohle
On thursday I was again looking for coronella. Unfortunately the weather was too good and a lot of sun came through the thin clouds. Then within a few minutes there came a hot summer rain. I just found 5 coronalle that day :-/

Yesterday the forecast was really bad (rain), but around 13:00 I noticed that this was wrong, nearly no rain so far!
So I drove to my berus area. When I arrived it was around 23°C, the gras was somehow wet, no rain, no sun ...but immediatly it startet to "rain".
The next hours the weather was changing every minute (5% sunshine, 5% rain, 10% soft rain, 30% really dark clouds, 50% snake hunting clouds ;-)
After around 3 hours of this crazy snake weather the sun came out and nearly all snakes disappeared...

Comparing the numbers I found yesterday with the average and record numbers of the last 5 years ( 22days in the field, for that area and early august ) I found:

333% of the average berus numbers
1000% of the average natrix numbers
385% of the average fragilis numbers


130 % of the record berus numbers
114 % of the average natrix numbers
71 % of the average fragilis numbers

so, to make a long story short, if you think its too bad for herping simply go out and try´s worth the risk to fail!