What a silly idea

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What a silly idea

Postby Kevin Byrnes » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:15 pm

Sometimes I get a crazy idea which rapidly becomes a plan and then before I know it, I am sitting on a plane heading off somewhere.
I am unvaccinated and so international travel has been very difficult lately with borders shut and there is also the ten day isolation on my return to deal with. This makes booking time off work difficult but as I am between assignments at the moment I took a chance,sorted out PCR tests and booked some flights, desperate just to get away somewhere. I had always wanted to visit Northern Greece and thought the weather would still be mild at this time of year, big mistake!
I landed in Thessaloniki and began the long drive in the rain to Alexandrouplois, I paused enroute to check some ponds by some houses and was surrounded by several large very loud dogs, as it was 3 am I decided to make a hasty retreat. I checked a few more but the roads and tracks were very wet and the ponds were very dirty but as I left I saw a Buresch's Crested Newt Triturus ivanbureschi walking on the wet road and then a Green toad Bufo viridis
Image1 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image2 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image3 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

I spent a couple of days here but it was very windy and very cold, one night I returned to where I had seen the newt and found 6 more in a flooded roadside ditch.This was a new species for me so I was very happy. The next day I just drove around the area before heading west to my next apartment at Kastoria. I dropped my luggage off, had a bite to eat and then drove to Lake Prespa, a place I had always wanted to visit although admittedly not in the snow with the temperature at 1 degree c. I visited and photographed a few familiar places and vowed to return when it was warmer . I was saddened to find a certain pond was frozen but there was an area free of ice at one end and I managed to see three Macedonian Crested Newts Triturus macedonicus another new species for me.

Image4 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image5 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image6 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image7 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image8 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image9 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image10 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image11 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image12 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image13 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image14 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image15 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

The next day I stopped at a small quarry where I found the carapace of a Hermann's tortoise Testudo hermanni and then drove to Thessaloniki for a PCR test before my journeyhome. I stopped at a hill outside town in the sunshine hoping for a lizard but found only a tortoise half buried in some soil and a dragonfly

Image16 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image17 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

Image18 by Kevin Byrnes, on Flickr

So, that was the end of my crazy cold trip but it was a nice break and I did tick off a couple of new species
Kevin Byrnes
Posts: 178
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country: Wales

Re: What a silly idea

Postby Michal Szkudlarek » Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:16 am

Great job with the newts! In my opinion the trip was definitely worth it! Did you bring a dipping net with you? Which one do you use? I bought this one https://www.nhbs.com/en/title?slug=herpetology-net but sadly the mesh bag is too shallow for it to do a good job.
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Re: What a silly idea

Postby Kevin Esser » Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:28 pm

A little break is always nice and for the difficult circumstances you were very successful! These beautiful newts were worth the trip
Kevin Esser
Posts: 57
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