most wanted?

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Re: most wanted?

Postby Kristian Munkholm » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:03 pm

Jeroen Speybroeck wrote:
Kristian Munkholm wrote:To add just one more to those already in the thread (and the first in its order): Dermochelys coriacea

Is actually in my list (leatherback) ;)


I glanced through the posts quickly and somehow missed that one.

Jeroen Speybroeck wrote:Who cares about esthetics, Kristian, as long you're happy with any picture, right?

I actually do care about aesthetics - a great deal. It just happens I'm also lazy, impatient, poor, and, rather oddly given my gender, completely lacking in fascination of gear - not an ideal combination for a photographer with high aesthetic aspirations so I set my goals accordingly ;)

Jürgen Gebhart wrote:Best shot:
Definitely a “in Situ shot” with two or more different species in one pic, like aspis and berus basking in the sun together or what we saw before Lacerta agilis and Natrix natrix, or Lacerta bilineata eating a Podacris muralis, mating pics Bufo with Rana, Bufo with salamandra or some thing like that.

I have plenty of in situ multiple species shots - they're just not any good and several of the opportunities I've had I've failed to photograph (such as the pile of three natrix and one berus basking on top of each other or the five species board flip) but still - maybe something like a particularly stunning freshly shed male berus basking next to a bunch of mating natrix would do, or?


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Re: most wanted?

Postby Jürgen Gebhart » Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:06 pm

This is great, this is a situation I want to find and of course make pictures of it
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Re: most wanted?

Postby Jeroen Speybroeck » Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:44 am

A very nice picture, Kristian!!! I especially like the colours of that berus - we never get them with such pale background in Belgium, for some strange reason... I really need to go look for adders soon.

I, myself, am certainly also too lazy to be a good photographer, so I stick with being a reporter and leave the aesthetics to people with more patience and will-power... As far as 'poor' goes, I think Bobby makes a nice example of what you can do with a cheap camera, but -then again- I admit he has more patience than me (or rather - is willing to keep cursing for a longer amount of time).

rather oddly given my gender, completely lacking in fascination of gear

Made me laugh! :lol:
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Re: most wanted?

Postby Borji Heras » Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:13 pm

1.Kaznakovi group vipers
2.vipera berus nikolskii
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Re: most wanted?

Postby Sandra Panienka » Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:12 pm

1. Triturus marmoratus and Podarcis milensis. Both are very pretty looking species. And Malpolon monspessulanus.

2. I'm into action photography. I already took really crappy pictures of fighting Lacerta viridis males or Pelophylax spec. males in the past, so I would love to get some really cool action shots of these species in the future.

3. Ophiophagus hannah, Aneides aneus, Agkistrodon contortrix, Farancia abacura, Malaclemys terrapin, Amblyrhynchus cristatus, Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia, Ambystoma tigrinum, Rana catesbeiana. *g*
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Re: most wanted?

Postby Jan Grathwohl » Mon Feb 27, 2012 2:19 pm

1. always had interest in Amphisbaenids - so that almost has to be one of the Blanus species - maybe i should go to Spain soon :)

2. Photos showing behaviour, predation and natural history is always high on the list - as are wide-angel shots. I would like e.g. to make a shot of a Lucilia bufonivora laying eggs on a Bufo bufo - that would be very interesting if possible - i have photos of infested toads, but not of toads being infested directly.

3. Lots of intersting species out there to photograph - but high on my list is the plethonodontid salamanders of Central and South America.
Kind regards

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