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Re: spring versus autumn

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:21 pm
by Daniel Bohle
What's with the division of months in 3 parts? Is that some sort of standard I'm not aware of?

I started with just two, but one day I decided that I have enough data to split into 3 parts :D

I saw this for example here: Laufer, H., K. Fritz & P. Sowig (Hrsg.): Die Amphibien und Reptilien Baden-Württembergs: 667–686. – Stuttgart (Ulmer).

But others cut the year even into 73 parts, like: Hachtel, M., M. Schlüpmann, K. Weddeling, B. Thiesmeier, A. Geiger & C. Willigalla (Red.): Handbuch der Amphibien und Reptilien Nordrhein-Westfalens. Band 2: 967–1004. – Bielefeld (Laurenti).

What output do you plan on writing? You obviously have enough data (if the standardisation in your field protocol is up to standard, that is), so there has to be stuff worth publishing in there. I'm starting to think about writing up salamander stuff myself, now that the book's finished. First a technical note about the CMR software.

Im not sure how to solve this problem. But its clear that I need to publish it somehow. One big paper or several smaller ones...a big one might be too big for me and end up in giving up :shock:

But first I have to finish analysing a lot of pictures form 14/15.
It is a time killing prozess :lol:
So far I go on collecting data from 2016 :mrgreen:

Re: spring versus autumn

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:07 am
by Patrick Masius
For Vipera berus there exist quite a few historic sources, which might be interesting in this respect. I want to present you one here, i.e. a systematic survey of observed/killed adders in an area that belongs to the Czech-Republic today, where Vipera berus is the most common snake species. It was conducted by a private researcher in the year 1926. He collected reports of 139 forest-stations concerning the occurrence of adders. In regards to the date of observation/capture (not clearly separated) of the registered 1389 adders the results were as follows (unborns not counted):


Comparing April/May with September/October, the ratio would be 595/134 [= 4,44]. Certainly, these data do not fulfill scientific standards and have to be carefully interpreted. Compromising factors are e.g.:
- neither the number of field days is known nor the search methods or the search intensity. (most likely adders were just met by chance by the foresters)
- the “killing-factor” :twisted: might influence the numbers negatively along the research period
- there might be a few Coronellas hidden in those numbers

Still, in my opinion these data are better than nothing. Let me know what you think.
Best regards

Re: spring versus autumn

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:57 am
by Michal Szkudlarek
You might be interested in taking a look at "seasonality" and "history", on the right.

Re: spring versus autumn

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:27 am
by Bernard Carrette
Great work to record and process all this Data. I am perhaps a toothpick but if you could link the data to the abiotic data (e.g. Average ambient temperature and rainfail over the 1/3 month period) that would be really interesting.
Still, great piece of work!