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Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:47 pm
by Alexandre Roux
There are many things I'm happy to see in winter, but there are some things I'm really scared of !
That's why I'm really scared to find all the species of Newt of the region on January, 3rd !!!!
Because freezing is still not arrived and I know very well that it will come sooner or later.
All these pics are dated from 03/01/2014.

Bufo calamita

Lissotriton helveticus

Ichtyosaura alpestris

Lissotriton vulgaris

Triturus cristatus

BONUS just for you because you were wise:

Asio otus

Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:56 pm
by Mario Schweiger
Fantastic newt pics, Alexandre :idea:


Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 4:42 pm
by Niklas Ban
I don't think that weather isn't as dangerous as a very long and hard winter. It is quite normal that many herps die through the winter and last Year we had it quite similar
and that wasn't so bad for the amphibians in my area at all (it seems to me so).

Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:28 am
by Jeroen Speybroeck
Ectothermic animals switch their activity on and off much more environment-induced, flexible and at lower energy costs. However, mild winters seem to burn the energy reserves in their bodies at a higher rate anyway, potentially causing die-off.

Here's an example of the fluctuating effect of mild winters, followed by late winter conditions (in Dutch & with debatable methodology, but the graph is quite obvious).
Imho, you could argue that at least the increasing amplitude of the changes is somewhat worrying.

Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:36 am
by Jeroen Speybroeck
Alexandre Roux wrote:I've already found newts with nuptial attributes in these pounds.

Isn't it (at least in part) normal they develop these features prior to mating, so even during winter? I feel like I should know this :oops:. I know I have seen several male newts migrating with all the bits and pieces of their breeding attire already in place. I've seen cristatus males entering the water with fully developed crests (although these might of course already have been at it in other waters, as this species is known to have males "pond hopping" within a single breeding season).

Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:43 am
by Jeroen Speybroeck
BTW, from what I'm seeing it should be getting colder be the start of next week, at least where I'm at. Let's see if I can still squeeze in a first 2014 mander moment before that...

Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:50 pm
by Sandra Panienka
Cool findings!!! Especially the calamita. I never found one that early in the year, but I never went out to look for them in their habitat, either. Also love the newt pics, cool shots.

Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:43 am
by Alexandre Roux
Not a reptile, and also not an amphibian, but a very nice meet next to the road this weekend.
Picture took by my very lucky girlfriend !

Tyto alba

Other nice pictures I made recently.

Strix aluco


Triturus cristatus

Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:23 pm
by Alexandre Roux
Yesterday, big movements ! (For a february month)
Many amphibians on the roads (5 Alpine newt, 15 Palmate newt, +/- 75 Agile and 2 Common frogs, 7 Common toad...) and also many kills...
The next days are going to be very nice in temperature and I just expect more and more migrations !

Rana temporaria

Bufo bufo

Bufo bufo

Strix aluco

Re: Frightening winter weather !

PostPosted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:17 pm
by Alexandre Roux
That's the end of the winter, now I'm sure !

Epidalea calamita

Bufo bufo

Strix aluco

Podarcis muralis

Vipera aspis