a new V. berus locality in Oberbayern (Bavaria, Germany)

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a new V. berus locality in Oberbayern (Bavaria, Germany)

Postby Mario Schweiger » Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:07 pm

I have to start with a short story ;)
Last sunday afternoon I´ve got an information on a long nose viper, Vipera ammodytes, seen in upper Bavaria, just a few miles across the Austrian border.
The woman saw it while picking black berries.
Ok, I was sure, it wasn´t an ammodytes (but maybe an escaped or released one), but also Vipera berus was unknown from that area. There wasn´t even an (very) old record from there.
So what it could have been? A Coronella?
But the woman wrote, the snake had a very distinctive zig-zag band along the dorsal.
So we made an appointment for this morning (7:30) and went to that place.
After 5 minutes walk I was sure - it "smelled" extremely on berus.

the area

a sunny forest with large open parts, overgrown with Calluna and black berries.
And short after, I found the first sign of herps occuring there.

shedding of Zootoca vivipara

unfortunately it was 80% or even a bit more cloudy and quite cool.
So I made a half hours rest, waiting for the sun to come out a bit more.
Around 9:00 a.m. I saw the first Zootocas between the bushes, but couldn´t grap one.
A few minutes later - there it was :D
A large, a bit more than 70 cm long Vipera berus female. But in full shedding stage.

Vipera berus female



Occasionally the sun came out for some minutes

habitat in the sunlight

and also the vipers. Shi...., I had missed another two :evil:
But again, a nice, freshly shed female was basking

V. berus female, approx. 45 to 50 cm


One minute later the next one, an about one year old female



and again, I missed two vipers.

My way back I went on a forest road with ditches on each side.
forest road with small ditches beside

baby Natrix natrix. look at the track on the Lemna carpet it left behind. There is another track from a 2nd baby, crossing the ditch one minute earlier.

I hope, you watched the road picture carefully ;)
Pelophylax sp.

Close to my car there was this wood pile

At least 8 Zootoca have been basking on it, when I came close.
Two of them have been out again 3 minutes later
Zootoca vivipara


I left the area short after 11:00 a.m.
So a very good morning:
7 Vipera berus (all females) seen in a new unknown area, at least 25 kms north of the next known place (allready in the hills).
x Zootoca
x Pelophylax
5 Natrix natrix (all babies hatched this year).
I´m sure Coronella and Anguis will occur there too. So this place will be visited soon again ;)

Mario (Admin)

Please visit also my personal Herp-site vipersgarden.at
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Mario Schweiger
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Re: a new Vipera berus locality in Niederbayern (Bavaria, German

Postby Daniel Bohle » Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:00 pm

what a waste of time, no ammodytes :(
hehehe :D
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Re: a new Vipera berus locality in Niederbayern (Bavaria, German

Postby Ilian Velikov » Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:18 pm

I love that first berus shot with the habitat! :)
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Re: a new Vipera berus locality in Niederbayern (Bavaria, German

Postby Mario Schweiger » Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:16 pm

Yes, I love those pictures too ;)
But nearly impossible in that habitat. Complete plain with dense Callunna and blackberries bushes, up to 50 cm high. So I had to find a log very close nearby, to make the pictures - and to release the viper within its homerange again ;)
... and I have forgotten: In the roadside ditches, surface free of Lemna, I saw a lot of very big larvas of Triturus cristatus!

Mario (Admin)

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Mario Schweiger
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Re: a new V. berus locality in Oberbayern (Bavaria, Germany)

Postby Mario Schweiger » Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:30 pm

Sorry, this locality is in Obernbayern, I´ve changed now :shock:
But the distance to the next known locality is ok.
Sorry for my not existing knowledge of the biogeographical regions of the "Weißwurst"-State ;)

Mario (Admin)

Please visit also my personal Herp-site vipersgarden.at
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