First Herps of 2012

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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Michal Szkudlarek » Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:52 pm

Today in my area R. esculenta complex, P. fuscus and B. bufo were calling. Seems that R. temporaria have finished mating- only spawn was observed. :roll:
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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Rok Grzelj » Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:24 pm

For all viper haters (Bobby ) ;)
First female of the year... and NOT melanistic :)
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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Pierre-Yves Vaucher » Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:26 pm

grrrrrrrrrrrrr see you soon... :mrgreen:

I have near my home a little population of Vipera aspis. I was going at the begenning of march but nothing. Today I saw 4 males, 1 adult and 1 subadult female on about 100 meters.
Most of the snakes had some soil (ground, terre?) under the skin.
They live near a marsh on a band of cane of 5 meters wide and 100 meters long.





and the biotop:
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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Kristian Munkholm » Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:18 am

OK... for the adder boys I'll throw in my first female of the year as well - from Friday:


And for a bit of balance, one of my first moor frogs of the year - from Thursday.


The only anurans to have bred yet around here are dalmatina. temporaria have just gathered in my local ditch and started calling. They'll be breeding within a couple of days, bufo and arvalis can't be far behind - looking forward to some blues ;)
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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Pierre-Yves Vaucher » Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:44 pm

today, just coming back from the same spot as yesterday.
6-7 Vipera aspis (the same orange female as yesterday, for the others it's difficult to say how many and if they were some same because I passed and returned 1 hour later), very few eggs (1 m2) of Rana temporaria, 1 Bufo bufo singing, 2 Bombina variegata, 1 Lissotriton helveticus male.
Here it's very dry, very poor of amphibians this year, maybe later ?








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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Daniel Kane » Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:54 pm

Now at home for three weeks I went to my local site today; I saw one female adder and three viviparous lizard.

DSCF0596 (1000x602).jpg
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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Pierre-Yves Vaucher » Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:59 pm

nice !
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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Vlad Cioflec » Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:57 am

I was a little sick this weekend so no roadtrip... But when i took our daughter to the swings on Sunday i noticed this next to the sidewalk: :shock:

And after doing what comes natural to any herper, i saw six Green Toads under it; my best flip EVER! Five of them were kind enough to stick around for a crappy cellphone record shot. ;)
Bufo viridis.jpg

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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Kevin Byrnes » Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:19 am

Finally on Friday I managed to get out in the field and visited a reasonably local hot spot for reptiles. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful spring mornng as we headed south.I was hoping to see many Adders sunning themselves amongst the gorse bushes but was surprised to only find 4, I am usually tripping over them at this site. There was a school trip of youngsters running around the site so that may have disturbed them. However, we did manage to see 3 mating balls of Grass snakes totalling about 30 individuals, one Slow worm, 4 Adders and several Common lizards.







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Re: First Herps of 2012

Postby Jürgen Gebhart » Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:30 am

Still waiting for my first Natrix! All I found was just berus!!!
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