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Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:17 pm
by Kristian Munkholm
I went out today to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. Though headed elsewhere, I couldn't refrain myself from stopping for a quick glance at one of my usual sites that I passed along the way:


Right off the bat I found these two basking next to each other:


I figured something might be in the air and decided to put my plans on hold and stay hoping to catch some of the action. Unfortunately, however, I spooked her when I changed my footing immediately after taking this photo so I gave them a break and spent half an hour saying hello to some of the other denizens of the area - more adders, grass snakes and viviparous lizards. When I came back for a second look I found him cruising. She was nowhere to be seen. I gave it another rest and came back for a final look 15 minutes later. I now found her cruising and just as she disappeared beyond the crest he appeared. He was cruising back and forth all over the place obviously trying to pick up her scent, came within 40-50 cm of me without paying any attention to me. A number of times he seemed to pick up her trail and follow where I'd seen her but every time he lost her scent and veered off track before the crest.


It was quite frustrating to watch. Finally, after half an hour when he disappeared out of sight (in the wrong direction) I decided to look for the female. I made my way to the top of the crest and found her basking just beneath it on the other side. The whole time he had probably never been more than 8 or 9 meters away from her, several times within two!


I was just about to give up on him when he finally showed up and approached her.


For a moment there it seemed he was just going to continue on his way after climbing across her but then he made his way back and they disappeared out of sight from my extremely awkward vantage point until suddenly his tail popped up, hemipenis protruding. It disappeared again and a few seconds later both tails appeared, intertwined and seemingly dancing. I leant forward to see past the trunk obstructing my view, one of the branches in the heap I was standing on gave way and I spooked her a second time. He followed, dragged along by his private parts.



Thankfully she didn't move far and when she stopped it was at a spot to which I had a clear line of sight. I stayed with them for the next hour appreciating the lizards darting about, grass snakes moving by and birds singing around me before moving on - a full 2½ hours after stopping for a five minute glance :roll:

... They were still at it :)












Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 12:22 am
by Borji Heras
Very good job,friend

Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 1:26 am
by Martti Niskanen
^Seconded. Great stuff.

Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:35 am
by Kenny De Boeck
VERY! nice indeed, great find!

Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:39 am
by Jürgen Gebhart
Congrats!!! Very cool!!
I hope I run into a situation like this in the next Days!

Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 7:09 am
by Mario Schweiger

Shows that you realy had the time and patience to stay there for a good time


Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 3:57 pm
by Kristian Munkholm
Thanks, guys :)

It was the first time I have seen adders mating so it was quite a treat. I have been wanting to see this for years and have been out several times this year and previous years with that specific purpose so I suppose maybe the title of the thread should have "Patience and persistence rewarded". Usually I've just been looking, hoping to stumble across them in the act, though, rather than observing their behaviour and waiting - seems the "patience" part was crucial after all ;)

This should make it two out of three off my winter time wish list - see viewtopic.php?f=27&t=1030&p=8203#p8203 and viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1084. I guess that just leaves me hoping for a leatherback at the local beach this summer. Somehow I don't like my chances :lol:

Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 5:10 pm
by Sandra Panienka
Cool, although a bit paparazzi-ish. *g* I've never seen that before, must have been quite fascinating to watch.

Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:27 pm
by Kristian Munkholm
Sandra Panienka wrote:Cool, although a bit paparazzi-ish. *g* I've never seen that before, must have been quite fascinating to watch.

Thanks, Sandra :)

Coming from a fellow and, might I add, much more accomplished, paparazzi excelling in such salacious debacuhery as close upps of egg laying toads the criticism is not one that strikes me altogether too hard ;)

Re: Patience rewarded

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2012 8:28 pm
by Sandra Panienka
Kristian Munkholm wrote:Coming from a fellow and, might I add, much more accomplished, paparazzi excelling in such salacious debacuhery as close upps of egg laying toads the criticism is not one that strikes me altogether too hard ;)

Lol, you got me here. *g*