First amphibian-weekend 2014

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First amphibian-weekend 2014

Postby Michael Fahrbach » Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:03 pm

Hi all,

after the warm last days I finally had some spare time to go out, watching my so loved animals.
Yesterday me and my girlfriend visited three habitats. The first one is a nice pond in a forest, I did not know it till a few days ago.
I was pretty excited as I expected T.cristatus there. Well, what I found were goldfisch :evil: . I will never understand people releasing their damn goldfish in the wild.
However, caused by all that frustration I forgot to take a picture of the pond. I will visit it again and then show it here.

The second spot was another -bigger- pond where a lot of R.temporaria, B.bufo, L.vulgaris and M.alpestris breed every year. The strange thing was, that in the main pond were no visible breedingactivities going on, while we found some spawn in dare tracks next to it.
Here were also able to spot some L.vulgaris and M.alpestris.




I often found R.temporaria breeding in untypical pondtypes but they were never that small.

The last spot on saturday was still very quiet, a few single?! R.temporaria eggs was all I found.
This pond is also the home of some hundred H.arborea.


Today was a very, very great day. I visited a stone quarry in my area, which I visit since ca. 12 years several times a year.
This is the home of many great species, also for Triturus cristatus.

Last year I´ve talked to the owner and asked him, if it would be possible to
dig another pond for the amphibians. He did not want to promise me that, back then, but today, when I arrived, I saw that:


This really made my day. The bonus was, that I´ve seen at least 7,1 T.cristatus, today. As I did not want to dip after them, I just shot some of the "small newt species"
which often occur in dare tracks here.



It was a really nice weekend, I´m ready for the season.

Kind regards,
Michael Fahrbach
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:04 pm
Hometown: Hohenlohe
country: Deutschland

Re: First amphibian-weekend 2014

Postby Tom Hoogesteger » Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:37 am

Tom Hoogesteger
Posts: 122
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:10 pm
Hometown: Jarvenpaa
country: Finland

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